The young baritone Artur Garbas was born in Strzelce Opolskie and started his studies in his native city and in Gliwice. He studied at the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden (2015 - 2020) and finished these studies with a Bachelor degree. The artist completed his musical education at the August Everding Akademie in Munich, leaving the academy with a Master degree (2020 - 2022). Artur Garbas attended masterclasses of Rudolf Piernay and Silvana Bazzoni- Bartoli. He is a prize winner of several prestigious singing competitions, such as “Bundeswettbewerb Gesang” (1st prize, 2020) and “International Antonin- Dvorak-Competition” in Karlovy Vary (2nd prize, 2017). First engagements in smaller roles at the Leipzig Opera (Billy Jackrabbit / La Fanciulla del West, 2018) and the Prague National Opera (Leandre / L’amour  de trois oranges, 2019). Artur Garbas appeared at the Theater Brandenburg as Peter, Besenbinder / Hänsel und Gretel (2021) and Belcore / L’elisir d’amore (2021). At the beginning of the 2022 / 2023 season, Artur Garbas is a recipient of a scholarship awarded by the Förderkreis of the Deutsche Oper Berlin. From 2023 / 2024 on he is also a regular member of this company where he has al- ready sung roles like Dr. Albert Felgentreu / Oceane by Glanert, Papageno / Die Zauberflöte, Masetto / Don Giovanni and Judas, Pilatus, Pontifex I in Benedikt von Peter’s stage version of Matthäus Passion. An important role in 2024: Figaro / Le nozze di Figaro.
    Artur Garbas
 Photo: Christian Hartmann
Representation: General Management